
Intro in Dutch, article in English

Alcoholische ‘’Ready-to-drink products’’ ook wel afgekort RTD genoemd schieten als padenstoelen uit de grond. Van rum/cola, tot voda/jus de oranje en natuurlijk wijn of op druivensap gebaseerde drankjes in een blikje niet te vergeten. Maar de echte RTD drinker zoekt hippe labels, laag in alcohol, vrolijk en snel te drinken met vrienden, altijd en overal!

Het aanbod is enorm van cocktails, mixdrankjes en andere hippe ‘Hard Seltzer’ of ‘Spritzers’ op basis van fruit zoals frambozen, limoen en (soms) met een tikje wijn erin! In de Verenigde Staten lijkt deze categorie zelf groter te worden dan de wijn!

Daar wil ik graag meer over weten, binnenkort volgt er meer over RTD!

Hieronder enkele quotes uit een interessant artikel, link boven aan.

”Forecasters predict ready-to-drink products will soon outrun wine in the United States, reveals new IWSR Drinks Market Analysis report. Not only did RTDs post extraordinary double-digit growth in 2020, up by +26.4%, it was the only alcohol category to grow at all during the Covid crisis, resonating with consumers across all demographics.”

”In fact, the category is so red-hot right now that RTD volume is projected to increase by almost +27% this year, driven largely by stupendous growth in the US, which holds nearly half (44%) of global RTD volume. Here’s where it gets interesting… Stateside, where hard seltzers have exploded by +130%, RTD volume is already larger than the nation’s total spirits category. Yep, total spirits category.””

A new report by IWSR Drinks Market Analysis suggests the US will soon be consuming more RTDs than wine.

Should US winemakers be worried?

“Given the growth of this trend and the need to stay relevant, innovation within the wine industry is starting to quicken pace in regard to non-traditional wine options,” said Brandy Rand, COO of the Americas at IWSR Drinks Market Analysis. “Several winemakers have already invested in the ready-to-drink space. Within the last several months alone, several major brands have introduced wine spritzers.”’

Japan is the second biggest market for RTDs with a 22% share, followed by Australia, Canada, and China.

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